Healing Your Hormones—Natural Treatments for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Healing Your Hormones—Natural Treatments for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Did your doctor recently tell you that you have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome?

Have you been struggling with polycystic ovary syndrome for years?  Whether you were recently diagnosed or have lived with polycystic ovary syndrome for years, this can be a frustrating and overwhelming diagnosis, especially if you’re trying to conceive. The good good news is that you can heal your body from polycystic ovary syndrome!

PMS—How to get off the hormonal rollercoaster

PMS—How to get off the hormonal rollercoaster

You’re tearing up during silly commercials, you can’t stop eating, your pants feel tight and uncomfortable, your breasts are sore and you’re easily irritated (to say the least!).

Does PMS creep into your life like a stealthy bandit trying to rob you of your sanity? Or does it hit you like a freight train with migraines and debilitating mood swings?

There are simple, natural treatments for relieving PMS that will mellow your mood and reduce bloating, inflammation and cramping. Read on to learn how to finally learn how to get off the monthly hormonal rollercoaster that is PMS.

Preparing for Birth Day—Acupuncture and self-care in the weeks before birth

Preparing for Birth Day—Acupuncture and self-care in the weeks before birth

I work with women throughout all stages of pregnancy, but I especially enjoy preparing for birth day and feel honored to be a part of someone’s prenatal care.

I remember my own pregnancies and how luxurious it felt to doze on a treatment table when I was sore and exhausted, and know that in that moment, all I needed to do was relax.

What are you doing to prepare your body for labor? Would you like to feel comfortable as your due date approaches and have an efficient labor? Read on to learn how acupuncture and self-care in the third trimester can relieve common discomfort such back pain or sciatica and can optimize your chances of having an efficient birth.